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How Government destroy other countries: Proxy War!

Hey, friends! Ever heard of proxy wars? They're like the hidden battles of global politics, happening behind the scenes and often shaping the course of history. Today, we're going to go through layers and dive deep into what they're all about. So, what exactly is a proxy war? Think of it as a game of international chess, where big players use smaller ones as pawns. Instead of fighting each other directly, they support other groups or countries to do the fighting for them. By definition,  Proxy wars are conflicts between countries or groups where they support other parties to fight on their behalf, instead of engaging directly. Sneaky, right? Now, you might wonder why this matters. Well, these proxy wars have a way of messing things up big time. They can lead to all sorts of chaos, from instability in regions to humanitarian crises. Plus, they often involve big issues like power struggles and conflicting ideologies. Bu t why do countries even bother with proxy wars? It's
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How Politicians Win Elections: Exposing Dark Arts of Politics!

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